Like a long splinter inserted into the side of Africa, just at the bulge, Gambia is a low, narrow strip of a country that stretches inland from the beautiful West African coast, following the course of the majestic River Gambia. It may be the smallest country in Africa, sandwiched between north and south Senegal, but it is fast becoming noticed by the British package tour trade as a very acceptable alternative to the crowded resorts of Europe. It has also gained fame for its incredibly varied and accessible bird life.
Gambia’s ‘discovery’ as a tourist destination was aided by the best-selling book turned television series ‘Roots’, by Alex Hayley, detailing the life of the author’s grandfather, allegedly captured in the country and transported to America as a slave.

The capital of Gambia, Banjul, stands on the south side of the magnificent river estuary, a worthy commercial centre that for tourists is little more than the gateway to the hotels spread along the 25 miles (40km) of beautiful sandy coastline. These palm-fringed Atlantic-washed beaches have been dubbed ‘the smiling coast’, as much for their tropical splendour as for the friendliness of the local people, who welcome visitors whole-heartedly at the nature reserves, quality hotels, and craft markets. All this is just six hours’ flying time from London, close to the Equator, on the same latitude as Barbados.